
How it all started!!

I still can't remember how I got the idea to make terrariums. I do remember I saw a terrarium somewhere online and thought how amazing it looked, and I kept seeing more and more of them in different locations. Even though I come from an IT background I have always been fascinated about nature. The apartment I was living in at that time only had a little balcony so I thought that making a terrarium would be the ideal way to bring nature into my apartment.

I can't express the amount of joy I had when I finally built my very first terrarium. I just kept staring at it for days. Then I made more and more and more of them. I was getting lots of inspiration and wanted to express my creativity by making terrariums. I also wanted to bring that missing element of nature inside my apartment.

After receiving lots of positive feedback about my terrariums and support from all sorts of people, I decided to sell to the public!! 

It was a big leap for sure!!! And now, here I am, selling terrariums and other quirky plant-based products.

To begin with, I thought no one was going to buy my silly terrariums from me. However I was so wrong. I was extremely happy with the positive response that I had when I participated in my first market as a stallholder selling terrariums at Bend and Snap Market. I will never forget that day.   

My business has grown with the support of a very special friend. I couldn't have done it without that extra support. We have participated in plenty of Art and Craft markets and just recently we have expanded our business to kiosks in major shopping centres around Melbourne. 

As far as the online world goes, I've been running my online website through Etsy, mainly selling DIY terrariums which are pretty popular these days for DIY people. However I really had the need to build my own Terrarium Laboratory website. This is a huge leap for me. 

Unfortunately, terrariums aren't very postage friendly so my target audience at this stage are terrarium lovers who live in Melbourne Metro areas unless you would like a DIY Terrarium kit. Please visit our little store at South Melbourne Market. It's shop 226 on East aisle. It's always better to see it in your own eyes but if not why not order online.

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